Thursday, November 29, 2012

WSIB Chair - Elizabeth Witmer

November 29, 2012

Elizabeth Witmer – WSIB Chair spoke to a group from the EAC-CME on Tuesday, November 27, 2012.

She complemented the CME on being good lobbyists, adding that people do listen to the CME.They have decided to keep the Safety Groups going for at least one more year because of the CME lobbying for it.

Then she started to go over the changes that have been and are coming from WSIB.

WSIB is reviewing their policies annually.  They need stakeholders’ (that is you and me) input on what they are doing. 

The Arthurs’ Funding Review is bringing reforms; first there will be changes to the present classifications and corresponding rate structure.

WSIB has changed their investment portfolio realizing a 7% ROI.  Transforming the WSIB is imperative to be able to align with the changing and new workforce.

The WSIB has a $2.2 billion unfunded liability.  They are proposing changes to bring that to 60% by 2017; 80% by 2022 and fully funded by 2027.  The ways this will be accomplished are not yet set down; however, she prefers not to increase premiums.

Some things already accomplished have been:

  • Retraining has been brought in-house instead of outsourced which has seen substantial advantages.
  • A new medical strategy has immediate staff intervention with the employee and employer for return to work for those with lower back and shoulder injuries which are becoming the most common source of claims.

When questioned whether the NEER program would remain at the four years of experience ratings instead of the previous three – she commented that she had not yet been briefed regarding that issue but would be sure to bring it forward.

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